2023 Entrance Assessment Format (at a glance)
The Entrance Assessment consists of two papers – pupils sit both
Both papers assess English (or Gaeilge) and Mathematics. Both papers have an identical format consisting of 3 Sections.
Section 1 – The Practice Test

These questions are designed to help pupils settle before the main test begins. They are not assessed.
– 5 English (or Gaeilge) questions
– 5 Maths questions
Section 2 – English Main Test

English consists of 28 questions.
(Q1 – 28)
– Punctuation Exercise (5 multiple choice questions)
– Grammar Exercise (5 multiple choice questions)
– Spelling Exercise (5 multiple choice questions)
– English (or Gaeilge) Comprehension.
– Pupils read a passage and answer 13 questions (Q16-Q28)
– Q16-Q22 multiple choice
– Q23-Q28 free response
Section 3 – Maths Main Test

Maths consists of 28 questions.
– Q29-Q50 multiple choice
– Q51-Q56 free response
Star Papers – Half Test Layout
These half tests are for pupils starting their transfer test journey.
To get the child started and used to the tests, we have reduced the amount of questions in the half test.
Here is the layout they follow :
English Section (14Q’s)
Punctuation – 3 questions
Grammar – 3 questions
Spelling – 3 questions
Comprehension – 5 questions in total, 3 multiple choice and 2 free answer
Maths Section (14Q’s)
9 multiple choice questions
5 free answers

30 minutes to complete the test.